After a three month hiatus,

we are back! Wow, talk about a crazy and hectic summer! Time sure flies when you’re having fun and this couldn’t be truer in describing the many adventures we’ve had since our last update. So much so that I don’t even know where to start.
One of the biggest events that ended the school year for Ryan -- not to mention an era that spanned eight wonderful years for all of us -- was Final Review. It was back in the Fall of 2002 when Shaun and Michael embarked on their first semester as fish in the Corps that truly started this all. Who knew it would lead to so many wonderful experiences like football game march-ins, Parent's Weekend, parades and friendships that will never be forgotten. All these great times were culminated into one last Hoorah with Ryan’s last Final Review. It was a bittersweet event for us all; the Corps was the main focal point around most weekends spent in Aggieland. It will be a new adventure as we come into this next year without a Wied in the Corps of Cadets. All in all, this is a good thing; it means we’ve all actually moved forward and it looks like Ryan will actually graduate in a reasonable amount of time. Unfortunately A&M won’t let you stick around forever and we all know Dad’s wallet is getting pretty thin!

No sooner was Ryan done with Final Review and he was off to El Campo for his summer internship. He officially had his first job working for the local Farmers Co-op scouting crops, working in the sales department as well as any other tasks that needed to be done. It was a great learning experience for him and has the potential to lead to a job upon graduation.
On to the next great adventure…
Right at the start of the summer, Michael switched jobs and headed north to Amarillo. He’s currently working for Texas Farm Bureau as a Field Rep covering 11 counties in the panhandle. He basically spends all day driving around meeting with County boards and with anybody associated with agriculture. Not one week later, Shaun moved to Houston to work for Chase Bank after spending 3 ½ years in S. Texas. Talk about a crazy week trying to get Michael and Shaun moved in two completely separate directions, but after 2 months now they’ve settled in well and both are happy with their moves.
Even with all the commotion going on over the summer there was still plenty of time to make it to the lake. We’ve been all over the place from Del Rio, to Austin, to New Braunfels along with Dallas. Although we might not be the world’s best water sports family, we sure have fun trying. The boat has been the best tool to bring us all together for a weekend.

As summer comes to an end, there was one other occasion to celebrate. Keri and Josh welcomed a new addition to their family with Selma Elizabeth Wagner on July 29th. Dad took advantage on this slower time of year between planting and harvesting to take a week-long trip to Peoria, IL to visit Josh, Keri, Evan and Selma. There’s no doubt he probably taught Evan a few new tricks to the dismay of Keri when he wasn’t spending time with his new granddaughter.

As you can see it’s been a very busy summer for the entire family, but you all know us well enough by now that we aren’t much for sitting around. I’m sure there will be more exciting news in the months to come. And Aggie football is right around the corner!
Until next time, Gig ’Em!
The Wieds